This model can be used for brochures, commercial renderings, etc.
From gallery you can see that colors can be changed easily.
The model is made in 3DS Max and it can be used for Renderings or 3D Prints.
It is made in highest 3D standard which is given and certified by TurboSquid with CheckMatePro Certificate.
The base model is low poly and extra smoothness you get when you apply TurboSmooth or Meshsmooth in 3DS Max. This is must if you plan to re-texture or modify model.
- basket ball gold
- Basket Ball Molten
- Basket Ball Molten
- Basket Ball Lowpoly
- Molten Baketball
This is replica of Molten Ball. Only quads were used and it has 5872 polys and 5854 verticies.
The sample shows an extra model Rubber Band that adds more realism. It is separated model that can be hided.
The model has UWV unwraped so re-texturing is not difficult and there is PhotoShops template
The decals are 2048×2048 TGA (PSD template as well) the texture is tileable bump map 1024×1024 (PSD template as well)
Vray Materials are used for renderings but scene is prepared for regular materials for easier format conversions.
Samples shows how easy is to change materials. The Composite Material is being used assigned to 3 different group of polys numbered from 1 to 3