This is my vision how USCG Seal should look like in 3D Space. All Elements from 2D are kept.
The model is made in 3DS Max and it can be used for Renderings or 3D Prints.
It is made in highest 3D standard which is given and certified by TurboSquid with CheckMatePro Certificate.
The base model is low poly and extra smoothness you get when you apply TurboSmooth or Meshsmooth in 3DS Max. This is must if you plan to re-texture or modify model.
- USCG Front
- United States Coast Guard 3D Logo
- USCG Logo Perspective
- USCG Wireframe
- USCG Top Perspective
- United States Coast Guard 3D Logo
This is Real 3D Model of US Coast Guard Seal.
The purpose was to make model ready for 3D Print or CNC Machine. The model is made of 20 objects that are fully unwrapped, textured. There are few modifiers on each model like bend. The model is low poly and easy to re-texture it.
The model is made of two anchors, two ropes, shields, 4 words, rings, wooden part.
The system units are centimeters and model is made in centimeters as well. The model 99cm x 99 cm x 13 cm.
Textures are 2048×2048 pixels or 2K.