Lucky Chi Coins are used in Mah Jong for play but are actually traditional Chinese Coins
The model is made in 3DS Max and it can be used for Renderings or 3D Prints.
It is made in highest 3D standard which is given and certified by TurboSquid with CheckMatePro Certificate.
The base model is low poly and extra smoothness you get when you apply TurboSmooth or Meshsmooth in 3DS Max. This is must if you plan to re-texture or modify model.
- Chi Coins Wireframe
- Chi Coins
- Chi Coins
- Chi Coins Wireframe
- Chi Coins Wireframe
- Chi Coins Wireframe
This is model of ancient Chinese Coins used today as lucky charms or in games like Mahjong (Mah Jongg).
In scene there is only one coin with other 3 instances
Coin is having 480 verts and 480 quad polys
All together 1920 vertex and 1920 Polys
Model is having 2 Channels so Material change is quite easy. Second material is Vray Blend that blends between two materials.
Materials and Scene is prepared in Vray and there is 4 plastic coins (red, yellow, white, blue) and metal coins in Brass, Silver, Chrome and Copper.
PSD File is added as a help for creating custom texts instead of chinese and dragons.(Displacement map, also can be used for other maps difuse, bump etc.)
Please rate the model once you download it. Thanks