Fascination how zipper works made me make this model
The model is made in 3DS Max and it can be used for Renderings or 3D Prints.
It is made in highest 3D standard which is given and certified by TurboSquid with CheckMatePro Certificate.
The base model is low poly and extra smoothness you get when you apply TurboSmooth or Meshsmooth in 3DS Max. This is must if you plan to re-texture or modify model.
- Brass Zipper Wireframe
- Brass Zipper Meshsmooth
- Brass Zipper Wireframe
- Brass Zipper
- Brass Zipper
This is metal type zipper made in brass metal.
Scene is made of 4 separate elements linked between and placed in own layer.
Each model is Texture Unwrapped so any further texturing should not be a problem, metal parts and texture elements are separate mapped. You can see checker texture rendering and UWV mapping renderings how it looks like
Zipper_Slide (876 Quad Polys and 876 Vertecies)
Zipper_Teeth_Right (6160 Quad Polys and 6200 Vertecies)
Zipper_Teeth_Left (6160 Quad Polys and 6200 Vertecies)
Single Tooth is having 308 quad polygons and 310 vertecies
Zipper_Pull (456 Quad Polys and 454 Vertecies)
Zipper_Tape_Right (424 Quad Polys and 426 Vertecies)
Zipper_Tape_Left (424 Quad Polys and 426 Vertecies)
Each element is mapped separate and then at end all elements are scaled, in case you change scene you just need to move group of unwrapped mapping so they are not overlapping or repeating.
There are two materials in scene.
Metal (brass aged) 2K Textures
Reflect, HGlossiness, RGlossiness same 2K texture
Bump 2K texture in composite with noise procedural mapTextile (Jute) 2K Textures
2K bump normal map + additional bump map
2K diffuse map
2K Reflection mapAll Textures are saved as PNG Lossless format except HDRI map which is .EXR format
Whole scene was lit with 5 lights and 1 HDRI Light (Map)
2 Key Lights
2 Fill Lights
1 BackLightThere are 7 Regular Target Cameras
Scene is rendered with V-Ray rendering engine. The scene unit is in millimeters. TurboSmooth is applied on top of stack so level of details can be controlled.