This is very precise BMX bike (bicycle) with over 80 elements modeled and grouped in 5 material groups Rubber, Frame, Steel, Wires, Chain which were UWV Unwrapped and textured.
Each Group is textured in 4K PBR (metal/Rough) and DCC (Specular/Glossiness) Environment
It needed approximately 40 hours to polish this product. from modeling, UVW Mapping, Texturing in both environment.
The unit is in cm, the model is around 72 cm x 147 cm x 97 cm or 28.3 in x 58 in x 38 in.
Once the model is textured it is exploded and re-attached in more logical way Front / Back Wheel, Seat, Pedal etc. so it can be animated.
All parts included
Polys: 252,042
Verts: 256,044
Please note that chain is very detailed so 135,936 polys and 139,248 verts are on a chain that is made of 70 elements. The whole model can be optimized.
- BMX (Bike) 3D Model
- BMX (Bike) exploded 3D Model
- BMX (Bike) 3D Model
- BMX (Bike) 3D Model
- BMX (Bike) 3D Model
- BMX (Bike) 3D Model
- BMX (Bike) 3D Model
- BMX (Bike) 3D Model
DC (Production Environment) 4K Textures for each model group
Diffuse 4096×4096
Glossiness 4096×4096
Specular (reflection) 4096×4096
Normal Map (bump) 4096×4096
Height Map (displace) 4096×4096
PBR (Real Time Engines) 4K Textures for each model group
Base Color (albedo) 4096×4096
Roughness 4096×4096
Metallic 4096×4096
Normal 4096×4096
AO 4096×4096
Scene is lit with one HDRI Image 2000 PX x 1000 PX