This model is made for educational purposes to see most of urinary organs, kidney and bladder.
The model is made in 3DS Max and it can be used for Renderings or 3D Prints.
It is made in highest 3D standard which is given and certified by TurboSquid with CheckMatePro Certificate.
The base model is low poly and extra smoothness you get when you apply TurboSmooth or Meshsmooth in 3DS Max. This is must if you plan to re-texture or modify model.
- 3D Human Kidney - Wireframe
- 3D Human Kidney - Wireframe
- 3D Human Kidney, Bladder and Veins
- 3D Human Kidney, Bladder and Veins
- 3D Human Kidney, Bladder and Veins
- 3D Human Kidney - Close up
- 3D Human Kidney - Front
- 3D Human Kidney - Close up
his model is made of two Kidneys, Bladder, Arterie, Vein, Medullas and Adrenal Gland.
There are two files. One is prepared for Mental Ray and one is prepared for Vray.
Adrenal Gland – 96 polys
Kidney – 312 polys
Vein – 1736 polys
Artery – 1736 polys
Bladder – 3376 polys
Medulla – 230 polysAll Models are closed so it can be used for 3D printing, Rendering or real time showing.
Materials are procedurals except two plates (1200×1200) with organ names. TGA and PSD formats