The model is made in 3DS Max and it can be used for Renderings or 3D Prints.
It is made in highest 3D standard which is given and certified by TurboSquid with CheckMatePro Certificate.
The base model is low poly and extra smoothness you get when you apply TurboSmooth or Meshsmooth in 3DS Max. This is must if you plan to re-texture or modify model.
- Gavel Rendering
- Gavel Rendering
- Gavel Rendering
- Gavel Wire
- Gavel Low Poly Wire
- Gavel Low Poly
- Hammer Wireframe
Judge / Auction Gavel
High resolution quad poly model made in millimeter units. 275,85 mm x 120,78 mm x 73.0389 mm
Scene is made by 3 objects.
Gavel Head (51,96 mm x 51,96 mm x 74,92 mm)
1198 quad polygons 1200 verticiesGavel Handle ( 225 mm x 17,50 mm x 17,50 mm)
248 quad polygons 250 verticiesPost / Plate (120,79 mm x 120,79 mm x 20,706 mm)
168 quad polygons 170 verticiesTurboSmooth is applied and it can be turned off/on. Another material is easy to apply because of object UVW’s
All 3 elements are UWV Unwrapped
2 Materials – Wood and Bronze
Wood is made of 4 4K Maps
4096×4096 Diffuse
4096×4096 Bump
4096×4096 Reflection
4096×4096 GlossBronze is made of 2 2K textures
2048×2048 Bump
2048×2048 Reflection/Glossiness4 lights + HDRI map 5000px x 2500px