Mobile Web Page – 3D Model Demo
3D models Demo Web Page video on You can preview models thanks to Marmoset Toolbag Viewer in 360 degrees – Female Pelvis
3D models Demo Web Page video on You can preview models thanks to Marmoset Toolbag Viewer in 360 degrees – Female Pelvis
#XTAONartcarcontest – Texture Painting Contest This is just a teaser for Allegoritmic XTAON Car Contest. I will publish a real textured model after the deadline which is Dec. 18th. #XTAONartcarcontest The model is fully textured with Substance Painter in 4K textures, rendered in 4K resolution with 2500 samples on implemented Iray Rendering […]
This is my vision how USCG Seal should look like in 3D Space. All Elements from 2D are kept. The model is made in 3DS Max and it can be used for Renderings or 3D Prints. It is made in highest 3D standard which is given and certified by TurboSquid with CheckMatePro Certificate. The base model […]
This is my entry in contest. The model was given and the task was to texture this little fellow. The model is made by RenaFox and it is available on sketcfab site to use it under CC Attribution-ShareAlike Based on “Aircraft Painting Contest – Base” by Renafox, licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike.
#MeetMAT17 This is my entry in contest. The model was given and the task was to texture this little fellow. My concept was to combine modern/digital style with old fashion. The guy who conducts the whole orchestra is called Maestro but Maestro also means Master. So one way or the another Digital MAesTro is a title ? […]